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Our Goal

Our long-term goal is to cruise and sail around the world with our furry crew and to share those experiences with our readers. This blog will contain a mix of honest, anonymous food and travel reviews, tips on boat maintenance, funny stories and reflections on the sailing and cruising lifestyle. Most importantly, within these pages will be a record of our sailing adventures shared with our family and friends. We also look forward to making new friends who are interested in sailing, full-time cruising, travel, dogs, and discovering awesome places to eat.

Feedback & Social

Comments and feedback are always welcome and we especially love to hear from you. We may not always have internet access, but we do try to reply to all messages as quickly as possible.

We are so eager to share our experiences with you! It is our sincere hope that you will find our content interesting, entertaining, and helpful.


Sailing Banjo is currently ad-supported. This helps defer server and equipment costs and, hopefully, to allow us to improve the quality of our content. By supporting us through the ad channels, you allow us to spend more time creating videos and stories for your enjoyment. Thank you for your continued patronage and support.