Under This Wedded Jewel

Under this wedded jewel

In the distance, the whooshing hum of evening traffic is almost deafening, as rubber tires spin across hardened pavement. Those modern, mechanical carriages are so close to us, and yet we are invisible to them, mostly. The occasional traveler may catch a glimpse of us here in this place. We see you as you whiz by. We hear you as you move deliberately towards whatever destination you have selected. I wonder where you are scurrying, to and fro. We sit idle, calm, and patient, in this pool of mirrors with…

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Early Morning Nature: Orion Looking Down Upon Us

Awoke at 04:30, stepped into the cockpit, and lifted my eyes.  The cove is glass-smooth and the winds becalmed.  Nature all around, allowing us to observe this moment and experience with minimal filtration:  peaceful, still and quiet.  Above, countless glints of starlight speckle the darkness.  An infinity there, this sky has witnessed our entire history. Orion is hovering directly above Banjo, slightly to starboard.  I have missed you old friend. Of late, the friction within our species seems to be intensifying and accelerating.  In all directions, people seem convinced of…

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Everyday We Learn A Little Bit More about Life Aboard

Life Aboard

There is no rhyme or reason to this post except to make a few observations about life aboard.  First, life aboard a sailboat is MUCH harder in some ways than shore life.  That isn’t a jab at land-lubbers, just humble observations from someone who has lived both.  Life aboard a small sailboat teaches you to be very deliberate in your actions.  Not only must you be deliberate, you must be deliberate each and every time.  One hand for the boat, one for yourself is an absolute RULE, at all times,…

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An Early Morning Reflection: Waking to the calm of boat life

Starboard port light

Random Early Morning I awoke early to the dim morning sky barely visible through our stateroom hatch and screen netting to a gentle bob and sway and the soft rhythmic flow of Shannon’s sleeping breath.  The feeling of an early morning reflection is looming.  A single walking star, visible only against the background that lightened from a deep blue to a powdery sky blue, reminds me of the turning of the world.  I watch until it fades into that background, surrounded and overpowered by the reflection of our radiant sun,…

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Finally Fall

Finally Fall: Life Aboard SV Banjo We have been hiding from the heat all summer and there has finally been a change in the air. Our days have been beautiful the past week and it is finally fall.  And we have even been able to leave the hatches and port-lights open during the day and night. We have engaged in a few new projects over the past month or so including the replacement of our house fresh-water pump diaphragm.  Also, we exercised our thru-hull valves, and did a fresh-water cycle…

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Why Sail? Why Not?

Both Shannon and I have been asked many times over the years why we would intentionally set out to become full-time cruisers.  Why travel by boat?  Why a sailboat?  I’ll defer to Shannon for her answer, but for me, there is something about traveling by boat that holds a deep mystery for me. There were seemingly endless occasions, being out at sea during a Med Cruise and, having not seen land in weeks, becoming so dazzled and enamored by the glistening reflections of sea far off into the horizon. Unceasing.…

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